So much is happening so quickly. I'm going to put some pics in, quite a few, that indicate a fraction of what's been going on the past couple of months.
The garden will be bigger and better this year. Here are some pics of some seed boxes, my first real pruning effort (a gigantic cherry tree) and the area out in the orchard that a good neighbor has tilled for me. We burned the pruning pile: there was a lot of wood in it this year.
I haven't planted anything outside yet. We are in for a very stormy and cold week this week. This morning we woke up to 3-4 inches of snow.
Ebony had two pups. It was an accident that she got pregnant. My daughter saw a dog hanging around the pen and thought it would keep Ebony company. Now Eby has company. Anyone want a pup?
This is a time of life. Eby was not the only one to have a suitor last Fall. Our first baby goat was born March 24. Kids are up and on their feet from the first moments of birth.
Finally, I've been working on the new beehives, top bar. I'll include some pics in the next post.
Monday, March 30, 2009
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