Monday, September 3, 2012
Want a Puppy?
Sunday, July 15, 2012
France 2012
Anyway, if a picture's worth a thousand words, this will be a jam-packed posting. Hopefully the pictures will speak for themselves. The ocean will be the main attraction since it's so important to me. I'm in awe of its power and majesty.
Benoit and I rode to this little resort city just north of Hossegor. It was as charming as it could be. The lake behind me is actually just an inlet from the Atlantic but there's a boardwalk and all kinds of nice homes and multiple-occupancy dwellings, expensive, around.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
I Love Spring
Anyway, I'll talk about the pictures and then ramble on about other things, time permitting. I'm never sure how the pictures will appear order or location-wise when I post so I'll guess and hope the explanations match up.
The first picture is a shot from the driveway toward the southwest. The prune and peach blossoms don't show up very well, but you can see the blossoming half of the cherry tree. All of the grape plants survived the winter and the little vineyard that looks so barren now will soon be flush with foliage and perhaps an enormous crop of grapes in the late summer and fall.
The second and third pictures are of grape buds. the one with the fence is two cabernet savignoners from a vine that I planted three years ago from a dry root plant that was about 12" long from tip to root when I put it into the ground. It's so gratifying to see them grow and mature every season, the trunk getting rough and crustier, just like me, with age. The other one is a close-up shot of a pinot noir that I put into the ground yesterday. Looking at the picture, I'm thinking that I may need to replant. The graft needs to be closer to the ground. I imagine this vine is 2-3 years old. I'm taking a risk with these zone 7 varieties but the cab-savs have made it through the past three winters and 2010-2011 was a cold snowy one.
The next one is of Principessa (Princess) on one of her thrones, our wood pile. I'm not a cat fan for the most part, but she's gotten to me.
Finally, I am adding more vines along the fence where the goats used to be and putting all my bee hives back next to the goat shed. I lost 6 of 7 hives this past year and I'm thinking my last hive is not going to make it. I'm not sure what the problem is. I'm getting 5 new colonies in a few weeks. So I've been tearing down old fence and using the horse corral fence to support new vines. It will be some of the most expensive trellis out there but it's what I have, so it's free :-) the wagging tail in the bottom right corner is Nikki, except she's not a Husky.
I think that's it for now. I was just reading my last post, predictions and feelings about the primary elections and such, and I wa pretty close in my predictions about Romney and Santorum. Guess there are some advantages to having lived long enough to have observed a few things.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Religion and Politics
Ah, the conundrums of the far right and far left, where ideas become ideologies and where fear and hate flourish and dictate actions, REactions and votes. If there were an adulterous democratic challenger to the left of Obama, he or she might win a primary run-off because of all the times our "Uncle-Tom President" has "caved."
Just curious how many of you would vote for a monogamous democrat over a polyamorous republican? :-) I wonder how many people in Utah would support Romney if he were not LDS, given the perception that he is a moderate.
We really don't vote on issues, do we? It's basically emotion, fear of Mormons, fear of minorities, communists, fear of terrorists (which means they win). We are moved by a need to blame and mistrust groups, the media, the government, corporations, Jews, Muslims, unions (especially teacher unions) or anything that offers alternatives to our ideology, which possesses and identifies us: liberal, conservative, tea party, occupier. Are there any people left out there who exist independent of their self labels or the labels we tag onto them?
Gingrich's second wife's interview gave him the chance to attack the media, tap into that mistrust and need to blame the messenger. If we can discredit the media then we are free to believe whatever we want to believe... neat trick, eh? I don't have TV and am curious how Fox covered the ABC interview. The lady may have been vindictive, delusional or whatever. For sure she's opening up her life to all kinds of scrutiny.
Here are a few of my predictions, based on my narrow perspective and having been alive during the past 11 administrations and having seen a few elections. If Santorum stays in the race, he will be Romney's main opponent. He may not because of $, but the Cain, Edwards...infidelity thingy should catch up with Gingrich. Of course, he's a good communicator, clintonesque, and may get by it, but I think his ex has some fire in her belly and is willing to take it to the next level. Romney should win the nomination. The commercial media would have us believe that every primary or caucus is a king maker-breaker (stay tuned after a word from our sponsors) I'm not as confident as I was before of Romney being able to beat Obama because he doesn't have the emotional appeal that would get the ultra-christian conservatives to the polls, especially as he moves to the center to appeal to more voters after the primaries. Plus, if the economy is swinging up come the summer there are a few who would rather vote for a left-of-center Christian than a right-of-center...whatever Mormons are. Gotta love religion and politics.Save Now