Last weekend, with the help of my good friend Gianni, we picked and mashed the grapes into a large plastic vat.
Every day for 4 days I pushed all the grape skins and whatever else was floating at the top of the mixture to the bottom of the vat. I should have done it all barefooted or found a few willing maids with clean feet.
Thursday we drew the juice out from underneath the...floaters, storing the majority of juice in a large glass vask. Within 5 hours it began bubbling and has been doing so for almost 4 days. All the gunk is coming out the top and I have to pour in extra juice to replace the stuff that's bubbling out.
What appeals most to me is the simplicity of the entire process. I feel like I'm participating in anancient ritual of sorts, bonding
with some primal, ancestral, instinctual...NATURal essence. Does that make sense?
Donell, are you making wine? How is it coming? How long do you have to let it ferment before it's good to drink?
Thanks for the honey! You're a good pal.
Vino fino tman. I'm going to have to find some imbibers or do a lot of white-meat cooking...50 liters worth. I couldn't stand to see the grapes go to waste. I still lost about half of what was on the vine.
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