Monday, March 28, 2011

School and Sustatinable Living

The past five months have been a whirlwind of activity. I've been busy with school and Landmark Forum, church, family as well as the regular chores and duties. I'll include more pictures and information about my own enterprises in the future but what's been happening at school has been transformational, for all of us.

The first 3 pictures are of a service project at a local Hindu Temple where we were helping prepare for the Festival of Colors, or Holi. We were able to begin cleaning up their community garden, clean up after the Llamas and fill bags of dye for the 30,000 expected attendees.

The arena of Sustainable Development has expanded with:
1) my acceptance into a UN-Japan Teacher Exchange that's focus is SDE (Sustainable Development Education;
2) a local Economic Self-Reliance Conference sponsored by Brigham Young University and the Ballard Center where multiple connections and validation for my students' Community Garden project were forged;
3) Common Ground which is the community garden project that my students initiated in conjunction with the AP Geography units on Agriculture and Development and my continuing interest in Sustainable Living.Common Ground is developing into a project in diversity. Almost 2/3 of the participants are Hispanic, which community represents 1/3 of our school population. The students are entirely committed to the project. They even had a write-up in a local newspaper.

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